Water being a vital resource for both domestic and industrial use plays a major role in day to today’s activities.
The process through safe water is achieved poses a question on how and the major elements that make up a water treatment plant,some of the key element is electrical power,pipes,bacteria killing components like chlorine,sand for filtration,all the mentioned have to work hand in hand so as to achieve safe and clean water for use.The best way to achieve the above is having a 24/7 monitoring system which can be integrated to form a system ,this is were the concept of fiber optics comes in due to its ability to transmit and receive signal at fast rates.
The control signals from different elements communicate with one another through the fiber ,for this application a multi-mode fiber type characterization was used as it can accommodate more than on signal through a single fiber,both control and logic signals were sent through the fiber so as to monitor the plant.
This was achieved and the plant is under 24/7 monitoring produce over millions cubic meters of water to Kampala and the near by areas